Inspiring Rhetoric |
Fly Casual, Page 27 |
Take the Inspiring Rhetoric action; make an Average Leadership check: Each success causes 1 ally in short range to recover 1 strain. Spend one advantage to cause 1 affected ally to recover 1 additional strain. |
Improved Inspiring Rhetoric |
Fly Casual, Page 27 |
Each ally affected by Inspir ing Rhetoric gains □ on all skill checks for a number of rounds equal to ranks in Leadership. |
Congenial |
Fly Casual, Page 27 |
May suffer a number of strain to downgrade difficul ty of Charm or Negotiation checks, or upgrade difficulty when targeted by Charm or Negotiation checks, by an equal number. Strain suf fered this way cannot ex ceed ranks in Congenial. |
Disarming Smile |
Fly Casual, Page 27 |
Take the Disarming Smile ac tion; succeed at an opposed Charm check to lower all de fenses of a target by ranks in Disarming Smile until the end of the encounter |
Just Kidding |
Fly Casual, Page 27 |
Once per round as an inci dental, spend 1 Destiny Point to ignore ^ generat ed on a social check by the character or any ally in short range. |
Don’t Shoot! |
Fly Casual, Page 27 |
Once per session as an action, make a Hard Charm check On suc cess, cannot be the target of combat checks until the end of the encounter or until making a combat check. |
Dedication |
Fly Casual, Page 27 |
Cain + 1 to a single charac teristic. This cannot bring a characteristic above 6. |