Ker'chak'roo'kor by DJFrazee

Tusken Raider
Hired Gun
Marauder - Enforcer - Nightsister(Tusken Shaman) - Hermit
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 21
Current 0
Threshold 15
Current 0
Ranged 2
Melee 2

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 3 +1 ○○
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) X 4 +1 Advantage
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 1
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 1 +1 ○○
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) X 0
Streetwise (Cun) X 1 -1 Setback
Survival (Cun) X 4 +1 Boost
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) X 1 +1 ○○
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 4 +2 Boost
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 2
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) X 0 -1 Setback
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Sacred Gaderfii
Cortosis. Sunder. Disorient 2. Accurate 2. Pierce 5. Defensive 2.
Ranged: Light
Linked 1. Stun Setting. Vicious 1. Blast 7. Inaccurate 1. Pierce 2.
Boot Blade
Pierce 2. Vicious 1.
(CSPL) AP-M1 AP Grenade
Ranged: Light
Blast 4. Pierce 4.


Weapons & Armor

===Melee Weaponry===
Custom Sacred Gaderfii(Crafted Blunt Weapon)
Damage +9(2 ranks FS). Crit 4. Engaged. 2/2hp. Enc 3. Two-Handed. Cortosis. Sunder. Disorient 2. Accurate 2. Pierce 5. Defensive 2.
• Weighted Head 2hp - Base mod +1dmg. (1)+1dmg mod. (1) Concussive 1 mod.

Shist Combat Utility Knife
Damage +3(2 ranks FS). Crit 2. Engaged. 0hp. Enc 2. Pierce 2. Vicious 1. +1 Boost to Survival checks.

===Brawl Weaponry===
Damage +4(2 ranks FS). Crit 4. Engaged. 0/1hp. Enc 2. Knockdown.
Increases Brawn by 1. As an Action, a character may make an Average difficulty R.Light check to secure the exoglove's grappling hook to an object within Medium range.

Shield Gauntlet
Damage +3(2 ranks FS). Crit 5. Engaged. 0hp. Enc 1. Deflection 2, Stun Damage. This counts as a lightsaber weapon for the purposes of the 'Reflect' talent.

Garrote Chrono
Damage -. Crit -. Engaged. 0hp. Successful Brawl check initiates Suffocation. Brawl vs Brawl to break free, with extra Setback for each round.

===Ranged Weaponry===
HH-50 Heavy Blaster Pistol "Shotty"
Damage 11. Crit 3. Short. 2/2hp. 3Enc. Linked 1. Stun Setting. Vicious 1. Blast 7. Inaccurate 1. Pierce 2.
• Amplifying Chamber 1hp - Base mod: Blast 4. (1) +1 Damage mod. (3) +1 Blast mods.
• Blaster Actuating Module 1hp - Base mod: Damage +1, Add 1 setback dice to all checks made when using this weapon. (2) +1 Pierce mod. (2) +1 Damage mod.

CSPL-12 Projectile Launcher(inbuilt weapon)
Loaded with AP-M1 AP Grenades.
Damage 13. Crit 3. Medium. 1/2hp. Enc0(in arm). Blast 4. Pierce 4. Limited Ammo 3.
• Electronic Sighting System 1hp - Base mod: Aim as an incidental once per round at short range. Decrease difficulty of Perception checks to locate the shooter in low light conditions by one.

2x MSM G-20 Glop Grenade
Damage -. Crit -. Short. Blast -. Ensnare 3. Ensnare quality triggers on hit(no need for Advantages to activate). Targets ensnared by target must make an Easy(1 difficulty) Coordination check. Upon failure, target begins to suffocate(as goop gets in their airways).

===Armor and Defensive Gear===
Custom Desert Plate(Crafted Combat Armor)
Soak 3. 0 Defense. 3/5hp. Enc 1(when worn, normally 4). Add 1 Advantage to Coercion checks.
• Tracking System 1hp - Base mod - Upgrade ability of checks to track a designated target once. Spend a maneuver to designate a target while within line of sight. (1) +1 Vigilance mod. (1) +1 Survival mod.
• Boot Blade 0hp - (2) +1 Pierce mod. (1) +1 Vicious mod. (1) -1 Crit mod.
• Repulsor-Assisted Lifting 2hp - Base mod - Add 5 to Brawn for the purpose of determining Encumbrance threshold. - (2) Athletics skill +1

Personal Gear

===Utility Gear===
Hunting Goggles - 0Enc
• Add 1 boost dice to Perception (Cun) checks made to locate 'prey' & remove 2 setback dice from Ranged - Light (Ag) and Ranged - Heavy (Ag) checks due to concealment, fog and mist, or light conditions.

Electrobinoculars - 1Enc
• They allow vision in low light or extremely bright conditions. Magnifies targets up to 10 kilometres away. Thus remove one setback die imposed by such conditions or distance.

Earbud Comlink - 0Enc
• Usable at long range. Noticing the earbud comlink requires a Hard (3 difficulty) Perception check.

Aratech R82 Jump Boots - 2Enc
User may function as a planetary vehicle with the following profile;
Silhouette: 1.
Speed: 2.
Handling: -1.
System Strain Threshold: 3.
Maximum Altitude: 35 metres.

===Survival Gear===
Breath Mask/Respirator - 1Enc
• Allows breathing in conditions that would usually be asphyxiating.

KCS Body Glove - 2Enc
• May be worn under clothing or armour and removes 1 setback dice due to temperatures outside the wearer's preferred environment.

Imperial Army Canteen - 1Enc
• Holds 1.5 litres of liquid and can purify water using an integrated filtration system.

Tarelle sel-weave w/hidden armorweave liner - 1Enc.
• Provides +1 soak and decreases Critical Injury results inflicted on the wearer by 10 to a minimum of 01.

4x Stimpacks - 2 stored in each Military Belt Pouch.

Agility Cybernetic Limb
• Inbuilt Weapon(CSPL Launcher)

===Encumbrance/Storage Gear===
Mk III Modular Backpack w/ 6 pouches - +8 Encumbrance.
Load-Bearing Gear - +3 Encumbrance.
2x Utility Belt - +1 Encumbrance.
2x Military Belt Pouches - Hold 2 items with encumbrance 0. May be drawn as an incidental.

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Feral Strength 2 The character adds 1 damage per rank of Feral Strength to one hit of [their] successful Brawl and Melee attacks.
Toughened 3 The character increases [their] wound threshold by two per rank of Toughened.
Summon Item 1 When the character purchases this talent, choose one item they own of encumbrance 4 or less. As a maneuver, the character can summon this item to their hand or dismiss it from their hand back to the depths of Dathomir, regardless of the character's location. Once per session, the character can spend one hour to ceremonially prepare a different item to be summoned. The character can have only one item prepared in this way.
Ichor Blade 1 When the character purchases this talent, choose one Melee or Brawl weapon they possess that does not feature electronic or other high-tech parts. (For example, they could choose a sword or staff, but not a vibroknife or electrostaff.) The weapon gains the Cortosis and Pierce 2 item qualities and reduces its critical rating by one to a minimum of 1.
Improved Ichor Blade 1 The weapon affected by the character's Ichor Blade talent also gains the Sunder and Defensive 1 item qualities, and increases its damage by 2.
Witchcraft 1 The character gains a Force rating of 1. If the character already has a Force rating of 1 or higher, there is no effect.
Intimidating 1 When attempting a Coercion check, the character may suffer a number of strain to downgrade the difficulty of the check a number of times equal to the strain suffered. This number cannot exceed [their] ranks in Intimidating. When the character is the target of a Coercion check, the character may suffer a number of strain to upgrade the difficulty of the check a number of times equal to the strain suffered. This number cannot exceed [their] ranks in Intimidating.
Street Smarts 1 The character removes a setback dice per rank of Street Smarts from [their] Streetwise and Knowledge (Underworld) checks.
Frenzied Attack 1 When making a Melee or Brawl check, suffer a number of Strain to Upgrade the attack an equal number of times. The Strain suffered may not exceed ranks in Frenzied Attack.
Talk the Talk 1 When making a Knowledge skill check, the character may spend a Destiny Point to substitute K.(Underworld) or Streetwise for the required skill.
Loom 1 When an ally Engaged with the character makes a successful Charm, Deception, or Negotiation check, the character adds Advantage per rank in Coercion to the ally's check.
Stunning Blow 1 When making Melee attacks, may inflict damage as Strain instead of Wounds. This does not ignore Soak.
Sense Advantage 1 Once per session, may add 2 Setback to 1 NPC's skill check.
Durable 2 Reduce Criticals by 10 per rank to a minimum of 1.
Ichor Transfusion 1 Once per Encounter, the character may perform the Ichor Transfusion manuever to heal any number of Strain by suffering that number of Wounds +1. The character may instead heal any number of Wounds by suffering that number of Strain +1.
One With Nature 1 When in the wilderness, may make a Survival check instead of Discipline or Cool to recover Strain at the end of an encounter.
Ichor Reserve 1 Once per session, the character may suffer 2 strain to perform the Ichor Reserve maneuver. Their Force rating increases by 1 until the end of the scene or encounter.
Animal Bond 1 Through the Force, the character creates a bond with a single animal with which [they] are currently interacting.
Menace 1 Once per round on the character's turn, the character may spend a maneuver to allow any suitably threatening creature linked through the Animal Bond talent and of Silhouette 2 or greater to perform the Menace maneuver when the creature is at short range with an enemy. The enemy gains a setback on [their] next Combat check against the character in the encounter. Enemy character who are immune to the effects of fear are also immune to this ability. The GM also has final determination as to if a creature can threaten an enemy, based on relative sizes and natures.
Survival Of The Fittest 1 Once per session, when making a single check the character may treat [their] Force rating as being equal to [their] ranks in Survival.
Grit 1 +1 Strain Threshold

Force Powers

Force Rating
When making an Athletics check, the Force user may role Enhance power check as part of the pool. The user may spend ○/● to gain Success or Advantage on the check.
Upgrade Effect
Control Enhance can be used with Resilience skill.
Control Enhance can be used with Brawl skill.
Control Ongoing effect. Commit ⬜️. The user increases his Brawn characteristic by 1(to a maximum of 6).
The Force user can sense the Force interacting with the world around him.
The user may spend ○/● to sense all living beings within Short range(including Sentient and non-Sentient beings.)
The user may spend ○/● to sense the emotional state of one living target with whom he is Engaged.
Upgrade Effect
The Force user can feel the Force flowing around everything, seeing what is and what will be.

The user may spend ○/● to gain vague hints of events to come: up to a day into his own personal future.
Upgrade Effect
Strength Spend ○/● to pick out specific details equal to Strength upgrades purchased.



**Vengeance(Gruuba):** ```Once owned by Gruuba the Hutt, Ker'chak'roo'kor has sworn a "death debt" against Gruuba and wishes to one day have his revenge.```
**Spiritualism - Tusken Faith:** ```While not a proselytizer, Ker'chak'roo'kor is deeply devout to his beliefs and faith, and will sometimes spread his teachings.```

Guard Massiff:



Other Notes

====Starting/Species 105xp====
40xp Brawn 4
30xp Cunning 3
30xp Willpower 3
5xp(Marauder)-Feral Strength

===Skill Expenditures===
15xp Melee 3
10xp Survival 2
15xp Survival 3
5xp Brawl 1
20xp Melee 4
5xp Streetwise 1
5xp R.Light 1
10xp R.Light 2
10xp Coercion 2
15xp Coercion 3
20xp Coercion 4

===Marauder spec(1st 0xp)===
5xp Feral Strength(starting xp)
5xp Toughened
10xp Feral Strength
5xp Frenzied Attack
10xp Toughened

===Enforcer spec(2nd 20xp)===
5xp Intimidating
5xp Street Smarts
10xp Stunning Blow
10xp Talk The Talk
15xp Loom
5xp Toughened
10xp Durable

===Nightsister spec(3rd 30xp)===
5xp Summon Item
5xp Witchcraft
10xp Ichor Blade
15xp Improved Ichor Blade
10xp Sense Advantage
20xp Ichor Transfusion
25xp Ichor Reserve
25xp Force Rating 2

===Hermit spec(4th 50xp)===
5xp One With Nature
10xp Animal Bond
5xp Grit
10xp Menace
15xp Survival Of The Fittest

=====Force Power: Enhance=====
10xp Base Power
5xp Control(Resilience) upgrade
5xp Control(Brawl) upgrade
10xp Control(commit Brawn) upgrade

=====Force Power: Sense=====
10xp Base Power

=====Force Power: Foresee=====
10xp Base Power
5xp Strength upgrade

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