Tibold Kain by Tibold

Force and Destiny

Threshold 13
Current 0
Threshold 13
Current 0
Ranged 4
Melee 4

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0 +1
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) X 5 +2
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 1 +1
Discipline (Will) 1
Leadership (Pr) 0 +1
Mechanics (Int) 0 +1
Medicine (Int) 1
Negotiation (Pr) 0 +3
Perception (Cun) 1 +3 (+6)
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 4 +1
Piloting: Space (Ag) 2 +1
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) X 5 +3
Streetwise (Cun) 0 +2
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1 +2 (+5)
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 2 +1
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 5 +1
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) X 2
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Superior Verpine Shattergun Pistol
Ranged: Light
Enc1, Silent, Accurate, Knockdown, Pierce 2
Superior Disruptor Pistol
Ranged: Light
Vicious 4


Weapons & Armor

--Reflect Body Armor--+3 Soak, +2 Enc
--Cyricept MK IV Personal Mimetic
Concealment Suit--+1Def, +1 Soak,
+2 Enc, +3 Stealth
--Concealing Robes (+1 soak, -1
identify, +1 Enc )
--Energy Buckler--+2 Defense
--Superior Disruptor Pistol w/
lightweight frame, energy
dampener and suppressor
--Verpine Shattergun Pistol w/
Ascension Gun--8 Dam, 3 Crit,
1 Acc, 1 Enc, Knockdown, 2 Pierce

Personal Gear

--Cybernetic Brain Implant--Int+1,
Comms, Comm Jam (medium),
Computer Access Link (medium),
Combat Scanner (-2 intercept
data, +1 Per, +1 Def, darkvision,
Databreaker (+2 slice), False Voice
Transmitter (stores 20 voice
--Avionics Interface--+1 Pilot
--Appraiser's Eye Retinal Implant--+2 Neg, +2 Streetwise
--BPEA-1A Cascader--+1 Char, +1 Dec, +1 Leadership
--2 "Knack" Restraining Bolt
--Scramble key
--Bearsloth Venom Shattergun ammo
--A99 Aquata Breather
--Fingerprint Masque
--Aasherine Meditation Focus--+1
Destiny, -1 Strain and -1
Wounds per hour meditation
--Nannarium Root
--Yaladai Spice
--Seeker Crystal--+2 Perception and
--(3) Stimpack

Assets & Resources

--(20) Custom Daisy Chain Droid Brain Ship Controller
--(12) Shaped Thermal Grenade--20
Dam, 2 Crit, Short, 2 Breech, 5 Vic
--(2) R7 Astromech Droids
w/Networked Slicing Uplink
--(4) Chameleon Droids
--(2) RM-Series Military Intelligence
--(2) T series Tactical Droids
--(3) ID9 Seeker Droids
--(6) Butterbug Remotes
--Berth 20 R&R Droid Bay
--Carbanti United Electronics Whistler
--Blood Scanner
--Bacta Tank
--(2) Plasma Protein Replicators--
Shistavannan, Human
--Bothawui Communications
Conglomerate HSI-280 Hyperwave
Signal Interceptor
--Chedak Communications X-500
Portable HoloNet Relay
--Dejarik Table
--Ealewon A-212 Tracing Console
--Fabritech 7000 Geoscanner
--Forgery Tools
--900 doses Glitterstim--+3 Perception
and Vigilance, paranoia, telepathy
--70 doses Nannarium Root (Upgrade
Ability of Intellect or Cunning-
based checks once, but suffer 2
strain. Effects last for an hour.
--Yaladai Spice--Effects last for 1
Whenever the character suffers strain,
suffer 3 less (to minimum of 1).
If force sensitive, add an additional
force die to force power checks
(any dark side points used come at
double strain and conflict cost).
--90 Stimpack
--Surveillance Scanner
--Verpine Heavy Shatter Rifle, Bearsloth ammo (The target must make a daunting (4 difficulty) resilience check. If failed, they receive the "Wracking Venom" critical injury (hard [3 difficulty] to heal). Whenever the individual would suffer 1 or more wounds or strain; suffer +2.)
--XR5 Heavy Demolitions Kit
--(30) Yaladai Spice
Effects last for 1 encounter.

Whenever the character suffers
strain, suffer 3 less (to minimum of

If force sensitive, add an additional
force die to force power checks (any
dark side points used come at
double strain and conflict cost).

Critical Injuries & Conditions

Glitterstim Addict--+3 Perception,+3 Vigilance, Telepathic, mildly paranoid, +1 Strain, 8 hours


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Sleight of Mind 1 Add b to all Stealth checks unless the opposition is immune to Force powers
Street Smarts 1 Remove b per rank of Street Smarts from Streetwise or Knowledge (Underworld) checks.
Well Rounded 1 Choose any 2 skills. They permanently become career skills
Indistinguishable 1 Upgrade difficulty of checks to identify character once per rank of Indistinguishable.
Mental Fortress 1 Spend 1 Destiny Point to ignore effects of Critical Injuries on Intellect or Cunning checks until end of encounter.
Dodge 1 When targeted by combat check, may perform a Dodge incidental to suffer a number of strain no greater than ranks of Dodge, then upgrade the difficulty of the check by that number.
Codebreaker 1 Remove per rank in Codebreaker from checks to break codes or decrypt communications. Decrease difficulty of checks to break codes or decrypt communications by 1.
Anatomy Lessons 1 After making a successful attack, may spend 1 Destiny Point to add damage equal to Intellect to one hit.
Force Rating 1 Gain +1 Force Rating.

Force Powers

Force Rating
The Force user creates illusions to fool those around him.
The user may spend to make a target at up to short range unable to perceive a chosen person or object of silhouette 1 or smaller. Until the beginning of the user's next turn, the target cannot see or sense the hidden person or object.
Upgrade Effect
Duration Commit to sustain this power while the beguiled target remains in range.
Control May use this power to force the target to perceive a single illusory person or object.
Range Spend to increase power’s range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased.
Control The user may alter the perceived appearance of the chosen person or object instead of hiding it.
Magnitude Spend to affect additional targets equal to Presence per rank of Magnitude purchased.
Magnitude Spend to affect additional targets equal to Presence per rank of Magnitude purchased.
The Force user can dampen the effect of incoming Force powers, dramatically diminishing their effects on himself and his allies.

The user may spend to add automatic to Force power checks made against him or any ally within short range until the end of his next turn
Upgrade Effect
Duration Ongoing effect: commit to sustain ongoing effects of the power on each affected target while with in range.
When making an Athletics check, the Force user may roll an Enhance power check as part of the pool. The user may spend to gain Advantage or Triumph (user’s choice) on the check.
Upgrade Effect
Control Enhance can be used with the Coordination skill.
Control Enhance can be used with the Piloting (Planetary) skill.
Control Enhance can be used with the Piloting (Space) skill.
Control Ongoing effect: Commit pip. The user increases his Agility characteristic by 1 (to a maximum of 6).
Heal: (Light side Force user only): Spend
to heal a number of wound equal to Intellect from an engaged living creature (including user).
Harm: Spend to inflict a number of wounds equal to Intellect (ignoring soak) on an engaged living target. The user gains 1 Conflict
Upgrade Effect
The Force user expands normal visual senses through a connection to the Force.

The user may spend to ignore the effects of darkness or blindness and see normally at up to medium range for the remainder of the round (or one minute).

This allows the user to view everything most sentients could normally be able to see on a well lit day.
Upgrade Effect
Control Spend to see through a single object at medium range as though it were transparent
Control Spend to make out fine details on a single object within medium range.
The character may attempt to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of others.

When guiding and shaping thoughts, only Dark may be used to generate negative emotions such as rage, fear, and hatred. Only Light may be used to generate positive emotions such as peace, tranquility, and friendliness. Other emotions such as confusion can be generated with either or.

The character may spend
to stress the mind of one living target he is engaged with, inflicting 1 strain.
Upgrade Effect
The Force user shapes machine components on a molecular level, allowing him to mend damaged mechanical systems.

The Force user may spend to cause one vehicle or starship he is engaged with to recover one system strain. The user may activate this multiple times.
Upgrade Effect
Control Ongoing effect: Commit. One damaged weapon or item counts as being undamaged.


Many of the worlds and cultures across the galaxy have a high level of technological sophistication. Droids and the HoloNet are tools that many sentients use on a daily basis. Starships and repulsorlift craft are a common sight on many worlds, and characters are likely comfortable using these fantastic devices. Most adult individuals from these sorts of worlds enjoyed an education that included a solid grounding in engineering and the hard sciences. This level of technological familiarity is considered the norm for the civilized galaxy.

Most of the planets from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim fall into this category. Even frontier and colonial worlds tend to have denizens familiar with standard galactic technologies are rare or unavailable. These planets are typically a part of a wider galactic society. Citizens of these worlds who wish to avoid technology must make a deliberate effort to do so.


Slay the Sith and return the Republic.


Enthusiasm – The character is always ready to try something new, and he approaches all of his tasks, even mundane ones , with excitement!

Recklessness – Reckless behavior can leave him in dangerous situation or at the mercy of more calculating individuals.


Werewolf like appearance with black fur and yellow eyes, wearing Concealing Robes (+1 soak, -1 identify, +1 Enc ) over hidden Reflect Body Armor (+3 Soak) and Sakiyan Body Suit (+2 stealth, +1 Soak) and carrying a very small pistol.

Other Notes


To figure out how to crit, make sure that the check: 1. actually Succeeds (at least 1 uncancelled success), 2. is able to do at LEAST 1 point of damage past the target's soak, and 3. meet the requirements to activate the crit property.

There's crit ratings for each weapon. So for instance, standard Lightsaber (in AoR and EotE) has a crit of 1, and a Heavy Blaster Pistol has a crit of 3. This means you need 1 uncancelled Advantage to trigger the Lightsaber's, but 3 Advantage to trigger the Heavy Blaster Pistol. Alternatively, you can spend a Triumph to activate a critical regardless of if the crit rating is 1 or 6.

When activating a critical against a minion group, the critical itself does enough damage equal to the full wound of a minion (essentially just killing a minion) and then you also apply the rest of the damage from the attack to the other minions. Criticals apply to Rivals and Nemeses in the same way they would be applied to players.

There are also ways to increase rolls on critical table when applying a critical:

Additional criticals to Rivals/Nemeses/PCs that currently have a critical gain +10 on critical table rolls for each existing critical (so rolling for a critical on a player with 2 already gets +20 to the 3rd critical).

Talents (like Lethal Blows) and item qualities (Vicious), can automatically give +10 times the number of ranks of it when rolling a critical.

You can activate the critical property multiple times by spending the appropriate Advantage/Triumphs to add +10 each time. So with a Lightsaber (Crit Rating 1) attack, that succeeds with 4 Advantage and 1 Triumph, you would spend the first advantage to activate the critical, and each of the three Advantage and the 1 Triumph to boost that critical, letting you perform a critical that adds +40 to the critical table roll. And then of course, the Lightsaber also has Vicious 2, so you would also add +20 for a grand total of +60.

And it gets asked a fair bit, but no, you cannot boost the same critical to get additional minion kills - so Vicious 2, which adds +20, does not let you do additional damage worth 2 extra minions.

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