Favor: The character owes a favor to someone in a position of power. However this favor came about, whether personally or professionally, repayment of that favor is coming due with interest. This favor may be called in all at once, or a little at a time, prolonging the character's Obligation. -15
Criminal: The character has been accused of committing a crime during the collection of a legal bounty. This could be anything from stealing a speeder in order to chase a fleeing fugitive, or interference with bonded law enforcement to killing innocents during a shootout. Whatever the case, the constant threat of discovery and incarceration hovers over the character. Whether the accusations are true is irrelevant; the character has been accused and there is an outstanding warrant that makes the PC an appealing target to other bounty hunters. - 10
Vigilante: The character has seen the wheels of justice grind up the innocent and let the guilty walk free. The character has sworn to take the law — or a version of it, at any rate — and bring justice to those who deserve it. When taking on contracts, this character tends to pursue the most hardened criminals. - 15