U'Sil Razz was born on Dorin, where he and Mah'Keer Ulrass eventually became students under a Jedi's tutelage. Not long after, the young Kel Dor force-sensitives' paths diverged, with U'Sill leaving to become a padawan of the Jedi Order.
During the Clone Wars Razz has not been a participant in any battles, instead venturing with his master to rediscover artefacts of force-sensitives that were long gone.
One of such endeavours was what saved him from the Order 66. Located on a remote planet, U'Sil and his master had enough time to find a relatively safe way to escape, after they recieved Jedi Master Kenobi's message. Deciding against the use of their ship, the two struck a deal with what turned out to be a crew of bounty hunters. Rightly suspecting the group of being force-sensitives some of them conspired to trap the Jedi.
Luckily, that was not to happen, as U'Sil's tutor sensed danger as the group boarded an amost empty ship. Leaving his padawan with the ship's pilot, the Jedi told them to be ready to take off at any moment, and left the ship to meet their adversaries. As the Jedi was attacked, he could only transmit a short message, spending it on saving his apprentice.
Not knowing the fate of his master, Razz warned his few acquaintances and friends not belonging to the Order, among whom was Mah'Keer Ulrass, of what happened, in the hopes to prevent further loss.
Stranded and nowhere to go, the former padawan had no idea what to do beside trying to cooperate with the pilot who saved him.
The main pursuit of U'Sil Razz is learning more about various cultures, present and past. Brought up in the Jedi Order, the padawan became fond of the perspectives of peoples of old, and how they compared to the modern outlooks, as well as their connections and the connections of between the instances of the latter.
Growing up in the Order also made him empathetic to others, and respectful of their well-being.
Current value: 56
Born over a decade before the fall of the Galactic Republic, U'Sil is a Kel Dor male whose upbringing was largely done by the Jedi. He has absorbed as much of the Order's teachings as he could. He grew to be patient, yet compassionate towards other living beings, and curious of other cultures, valuing the consideration of various points of view.
The Jedi Purge hit the young Kel Dor with a tremendous scar. The Republic's sudden choice of actions towards force-sensitives separated him from his master, and forced him to hide. For a long time he was confused by the turn of events, mourning his master and harbouring resentment towards the newly proclaimed Empire. Gradually, he managed to suppress the feelings, shifting his focus onto the matters of present and future.
The appearance of U'Sil Razz is mostly distinguished from that of the other Kel Dor by the simplistic design of his mask, that features little in terms of fragile parts, and a 'ridge'-looking respirator.