Remove setback for darkness, add setback for brightness
Heat Tolerance
remove setback for hot conditions, add setback for cold conditions
(5xp PR)(5xp PR)(5xp SD)
+2 WT
Body Guard
(5xp PR)
Once per round, as a maneuver, guard an Engaged ally. Suffer Strain up to ranks in Body Guard to upgrade the difficulty of attacks against that ally by that number until the start of next turn.
(5xp PR)
+1 ST
Force Protection (2)
(10xp PR)(20xp PR)
Perform a Force Protection Maneuver, suffer 1 Strain and commit force die up to ranks of Force Protection. Increase Soak by the number of committed force die until the beginning of the next turn. Suffer 1 Strain every round while committed.
(10xp PR)
When making a Medicine check to help a character heal Wounds, the target heals 1 additional Strain per rank of Physcian
Parry (2)
(10xp PR)(5xp SD)
If wielding a Lightsaber or Melee weapon when hit by a brawl, melee, or lightsaber attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry
(15xp PR)
If wielding a Lightsaber weapon when hit by a ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect.
Circle of Shelter
(20xp PR)
When an engaged ally suffers a hit, may use a Parry or Reflect incidental against the hit.
Stimpack Specialization (2)
(10xp PR)(15xp PR)
Stimpacks heal 1 additional Wound per rank of Stimpack Specialization
Center of Being
(15xp PR)
Perform a Center of Being maneuver. Until the start of the next turn, attacks against the character increase their Crit Rating by 1 per rank of Center of Being
Force Rating
(25xp PR)
+1 Force Rating
(25xp PR)
Gain +1 to a single characteristic (Brawn)
Soresu Technique
(10xp SD)
When maing a check with the Lightsaber skill, the character may use Intellect instead of Brawn
Force Powers
Force Rating
Heal: Light side Force users only. Spend Force Points to heal a number of Wounds equal to Intellect from an Engaged living creature (Including user). (May not be activated multiple times)
Harm: Spend Force Points to inflict a number of Wounds equal to intellect (ignoring Soak) on an Engaged living target. The user gains 1 conflict. (May not be activated multiple times)
Other Notes
Focus on becoming tanky and being able to absorb hits and protect. Maybe pick up more medic skills later on. Look into picking up battle meditation and protect/unleash.
Looking to stay as a light side.