Special Features
If a threat or despair is rolled while piloting the craft, one of these factors may come into play:
Leftovers from R-alpha's bad ideas which can still be found on his bus:
1. There is a lothcat named "Fortune" aboard. The cat was left to him in the will of a now-deceased but secretly-wealthy elderly passenger. R-alpha was initially overjoyed because he thought he was inheriting her vast fortune of credits
2. All consumables for longer journeys are boxes from food companies which were running a contest, bought in bulk. Eg: boxes of cereal where you could win a vacation cruise/a new speeder, etc. Some of the food and most of the contests are already expired
3. Scary-ass B-2 series battle droid costume. The rumble-pins alley in which R-alpha & N0R-2N are league members ran a costume competition, and R-alpha once fashioned a battle droid costume for himself, from junk he had lying around. This was unfortunately during the height of the Clone Wars. So convincing was the costume that a human who saw him in it, thought he was a real battle droid and called Coruscanti police—who then raided the rumble-pins alley. R-alpha is still proud of the costume, so he keeps it stashed on the bus. Unwitting passengers who stumble upon it get scared out of their wits. To make matters worse, rather than get rid of it, Ralph just moves it to a new hidden locale, so it continues to surprise people constantly
4. Faulty comm system. R-alpha installed a direct comm system so that his old commuters could reach his new business venture directly. However, he didn’t account for people moving, dying, etc, so messages from now-outdated frequencies come in at random times. And because R-alpha powers down for the night, he does not notice at all when calls come in during the middle of the night or when passengers already aboard are sleeping
5. Industrial strength refresher. R-alpha had his bff N0R-2N, a sewer maintenance droid, install the refresher. Because N0R-2N was used to working exclusively w Coruscant's industrial scale & strength systems, the refresher onboard is frightening powerful
6. Transponder always broadcasts a snippet of the song R-alpha and N0R-2N authored, thereby making it extra easy to ID the ship.