Special Features
1,000 Starfighters, alongside numerous shuttles, landing craft, gunboats, assault craft, landing barges, & ground combat vehicles.
Massive 8: When making an attack targeting this star ship, the critical rating of any weapons used counts as 8 higher.
=Specific upgrade packages: Being a massive customizable space station, you can fill the massive amount of space within the robust super structure with just about whatever you can think of.
+++Docking Berths and Umbilical's (Frigate to Dreadnaught sub packages).
+++Retrofit ad Repair yards (Corvette to Dreadnaught sub packages)
+++Shipyard (Corvette to Dreadnaught sub package)
+++Expanded Hanger facilities (Able to expand the internal hanger space by 2x).
+++Conference Center (either foreign dignitaries or intra group meetings, this upgrade is sure to be of aid. Adds the same benefits that the "meeting center" rebel base applies)
+++Entertainers accommodations (From a convention center to Casinos and party grounds)
+++Hidden compartments and secret passages (it's in the title)
+++Advanced Command and Control suite
+++Spaceborne Training Facilities
+++Military-grade Encryption and Decryption Suite
+++Mercantile Infrastructure (grants a permanent 50% discount on all purchased goods and repairs when bought at the facilities.)
+++Enhanced Internal Security Measures
+++Expanded Medical Facilities (build a hospital the size not approached since the Clone wars)
+++Laboratory Infrastructure (an entire sectors worth of pharmaceuticals could be researched and produced)
+++Research Repository (Will you found a new scholastic college, or will you hoard data on your favorite topics)