Journeyman Custom Took kit (Boost Die)
Mechanical Dianoga
-Remove 2 setback dice from checks to remove system strain from starships or vehicles.
Chiles-Zraii Series Owner's Workshop Manual (Tie Interceptor Edition)
-downgrade difficulty to maintain or repair
Crash Survival Kit
-These include a thermal cloak, multi-tool, distress beacon, 2 emergency comlinks, a spool of wire, a basic medpac, 2 respirators, a water jug with a filter, glow rod, 50 metres of high-tensile microfiber line, 10 ration packs and an emergency flare gun.
-Degan Explorations Synthrope (extends 20 meters)
(1-Maneuver / 1-Action)
ADJUST SPEED: Accel/Decel +/- 1
FLY/ (Move closer or farther away)
-Speed 2-4 (1 Full range Band)
-speed 5-6 (2 full range bands)
EVASIVE MANUVERS (requires 3+ Speed)
-upgrade difficulty to be hit till the end of your next turn
-upgrade difficulty to hit anything till the end of next turn
-upgrade comat checks made till end of next turn
-checks made against this craft are upgraded till the end of the next turn
PUNCH IT (increase speed to full throttle) COSTS 3 system strain
DAMAGE CONTROL: Reduce System strain by 1
1 DIF if less than half/2 DIF more than half/3 Dif exceeds max
GAIN THE ADVANTAGE (requires speed 4+) Piloting check
Ignore all penalties of your and your opponents evasive maneuvers and choose which defence zone you attack.
(opponent may do the same on his turn but it is one level harder)