Ghar Vack was born on Marth to a noble family. Like all nobles of the Marth system, there are only two options for life: join the Republic Academy, or become a landed Exemplar; a knight charged with providing a good or service (usually martial, but not always) to the Duke.
Ghar Vack chose the latter, becoming an Exemplar to the Duke. He eventually rose through the ranks, achieving the title of Royal Executor which put him in the position of overseeing his own Tributary.
While in the Republic the (then) Kingdom of Marth was allowed a great deal of autonomy. However, when the Imperials took control of the galaxy the Kingdom was demoted to a Dukedom, and most of its Tributaries & Dependencies were stripped from King Raeus. This left the Dukedom with hundreds of unlanded highly skilled combatants who up until that point were occupied with their political duties. Most of the Exemplar turned to mercenary work, few to piracy, most took to wandering the province looking for work and glory.
Ghar Vack was one such Exemplar. He took to the stars, trying to find a place to fit in. The province had too many nobleman and not enough land to distribute. When Rebel activity began to surface in the sector, Ghar Vack knew it was his true calling. If not to occupy his time, then to restore his land and family to their rightful place.
Freedom - Ghar Vack wishes a galactic government that is decentralized, so that Marth may return to what it once was. Life was not perfect under the Republic, but it wasn't a centralized authoritarian empire. The only way to truly return the Kingdom to its former glory is to first remove the Empire from the galaxy.
Combat Victory (5) - Ghar Vack believes the only way to truly show strength in the Galactic Civil War is to sway as many systems, factions, and sectors over to his side. However, as an Exemplar he relishes in martial prowess and the strength it brings. Every successful raid and military engagement proves to the sector, and to the galaxy, that the Alliance is growing in strength and power. Something everyone - even Imperials - recognize.
(-10 for 2,500 credits)
Like most of the people born on Vracia (Marth's 2nd moon), Ghar Vack long deep black hair with stylized facial hair. In addition, he has tattoos that run the length of his back, each recounting an accomplishment he has made in the name of his family and his Tributary.