Umbaran Guardian
Force and Destiny
Corellian NPC
Age of Rebellion
Kyuzo Soldier
Age of Rebellion
Falleen Warrior
Force and Destiny
Human Soldier
Age of Rebellion
Gotal Smuggler
Edge of the Empire
Human Hired Gun
Age of Rebellion
Empire Guard Landspeeder (2M-Repulsor Tank/Saber-class)
Bothawui Defense Fleet Ship
Hutt Catels Ship (Juddlaa-class/Star Destroyer)
Hutt Cartel (Greena) Ship (Uvan-class/Cruiser)
Imperial Remnant Groundcar (TX-225 GAVW "Oppressor" Combat Assault Tank)
Empire Guard Ship (Raider-class Corvette)
The Forsaken Ship (CR20 Troop Carrier)
Monsula's Mermydons Ship (Crusader Corvette)
Sunfell Autarchy Ship (TIE/Ln)
Sunfell Autarchy Ship (Vindicator Heavy Cruiser)
Sunfell Autarchy Ship (Imperial Customs Corvette)
Sunfell Autarchy Ship (SP-H6 H/DF)
Sunfell Autarchy Ship (SP/DF 13)
Rebellion Ship (N-1 Starfighter)
-- Ship (NTB-630 Naval Bomber)
Vermillion Council Ship (YV-865 Aurore Freighter)
The Nomads Ship (Prototype Hammerhead Command Corvette)
Privateers Ship (G9 Rigger)