Quick Draw |
ECRB: 85 |
Once per round, draw or holster weapon or accessible item as an incidental. |
Full Throttle |
ECRB: 84 |
Take a Full Throttle action; make a Hard (3 Purple) Piloting check to increase a vehicle's top speed by 1 for a number of rounds equal to Cunning. |
Galaxy Mapper |
ECRB: 84 |
Remove Setback per rank of Galaxy Mapper from Astrogation checks. Astrogation checks take half the time. |
Skilled Jockey 2 |
ECRB: 84 |
Remove Setback per rank of Skilled Jockey from Piloting (Space) and Piloting (Planetary) checks. |
Let's Ride |
ECRB: 84 |
Once per round may mount or dismount a vehicle or beast or enter a cockpit or weapon station as an incidental. |
Rapid Recovery |
ECRB: 84 |
When healing Strain after an encounter heal 1 additional strain equal to ranks in Rapid Recovery. |
Natural Pilot |
ECRB: 84 |
Once per session may re-roll any Piloting (Space) or Gunnery check. |
Defensive Driving |
ECRB: 84 |
Increase Defense of vehicle or starship being piloted by 1 per rank of Defensive Driving. |
Brilliant Evasion |
ECRB: 84 |
Once per encounter may take Brilliant Evasion action. Select 1 opponent and make an Opposed Piloting (Planetary or Space) check to stop opponent from attacking for rounds equal to Agility. |
Rapid Reaction |
ECRB: 85 |
May suffer Strain equal to ranks in Rapid Reaction to add that many successes to an initiative check. |
Quick Strike |
ECRB: 85 |
Add Boost dice per rank of Quick Strike when attacking a target that has not yet acted. |