Born shortly after the end of the Clone Wars Tuko Sov grew up on Imperial controlled Sullust. Tuko grew up on stories from his father about his uncle Neb Sov, a famed Jedi pilot in the Clone Wars. Legends of Neb's heroics inspired Tuko to seek avenues of freedom by becoming a freighter pilot for the SoroSuub Corporation. In the cockpit everything else seemed to fall out of his thoughts; it was just him and the open space.
Constant abuse of the Sullustan people on his home planet eventually lead Tuko to abandon the situation all together. Striving to be in open space, Tuko finally said goodbye to his family. Promising to return in hopes to free his homeworld of the constant pressure from Imperial rule. Unfortunately for Tuko, leaving Sullust without his own ship was more difficult than expected. Eventually he managed to slip off planet by running into a smuggler who had recently had his pilot captured.
With his newfound freedom Tuko began working with this smuggler as his pilot to pay off his debt for being able to leave Sullust. Throughout his travels they encountered several Rebel cells. During one of the more recent encounters some of the pilots were able to regale tales of their adventures with the Rebellion, stirring up Tuko's drive for excitement. Upon fulfilling his debt with the smuggler that saved him from his homewolrd, Tuko sought out the latest group of Rebels he encountered. Leading him to inevitably find and become part of the Sector Force Lantilles. Tuko Sov joined happily with hopes of following in his uncle's shoes of being a renown starfighter ace, and eventually being able to free not only his family but the galaxy of Imperial rule.
Motivation- Adrenaline Junkie
Excitement, adventure—the character loves every bit of it. He doesn't fight for money, revenge, or a thirst for blood. He fights because he can't get enough of the incredible thrill that comes with risking his life and
coming out on top.
Duty- Space Superiority: 100 Only in space are battle truly won or lost, on land anyone with a rock and a can do attitude can fight. Space is the only area which controls everything.
Duty- Space Superiority: 100 Only in space are battle truly won or lost, on land anyone with a rock and a can do attitude can fight. Space is the only area which controls everything.
Tuko is a Sullustan of average Slim build with Gray skin and Black eyes.
He normally wears a hat that covers his Black hair.