Human Soldier
Edge of the Empire
Devaronian Soldier
Age of Rebellion
Clone Clone Trooper
Age of Rebellion
Bothan Commander
Age of Rebellion
Corellian Human Ace
Age of Rebellion
Clone Clone Trooper
Edge of the Empire
Clone Commander
Age of Rebellion
Lasat Soldier
Age of Rebellion
Clone Clone Trooper
Age of Rebellion
Sullustan Ace
Age of Rebellion
Barabel Hired Gun
Edge of the Empire
Clone Clone Trooper
Force and Destiny
Dug Warrior
Force and Destiny
Jawa Jedi
Force and Destiny
Clone Smuggler
Force and Destiny
Kyuzo Sentinel
Force and Destiny
Clone Clone Trooper
Force and Destiny
Rebellion (Sector Force Lantillies) Ship (Incom Corporation, X-Wing)
Rebellion Ship (Slayn & Korpil Starfighter/A/SF-01 B-Wing)
Republic Ship (Corellian Engineering Corporation. Frigate/DP20 Gunship "Corellian Gunship")
Republic: 991st Black Hat Battalion Other (Rothana Heavy Engineering All Terrain Tactical Enforcer)