CT-6262 "Dix" was your typical Clone trooper, bred to fight against the Droid Army and reestablish peace during the era of the republic. A member of the 991st BlackHat Special Forces Battalion, he preformed his duties as best as any other trooper. 6262 fought in some of the more notable battles in the early Clone Wars. He managed to survive the initial outbreak on Geonosis, even endure the harsh environment of Felucia, and managed to help defend his homeworld of Kamino. That is, when he was ever outside of a bacta tank. He had a tendency to be the forefront of most firefights he participated in.
Proving his abilities time and time again Dix was eventually selected to go undercover to help Onderon rebels overthrow their government and Separatist oppression. While on planet 6262 adopted the name Corbec over his previous name of Dix to help fit in to society so that he could assist operations. He assisted the rebels in many of their operations; working closely with Saw Gerrera. Corbec was unfortunately captured during the uprising of Onderon. Unable to return to the Republic, he was listed as KIA by the GAR.
Thankfully upon successful rescue Corbec was able to escape to the wilds of Onderon where he lived most of his days. He managed to grab most of his gear from the hidden rebel cashes before going off into the wilderness. Keeping only his armor and a machete Corbec made a life for himself. Eventually Dix started to revert back to his original name, seeing no need to use Corbec if he was in the wilds.
After the Empire annexed the planet, Dix managed to sneak off planet through means of a smuggler. With no control of where he was going Dix ended up in the Lantillies sector. Catching bits of the rebels in the area he felt complied to teach these soldiers the proper techniques of war, similar to his bout on Onderon.
The Mission
The current assignment or mission drives this Commander. He stops at nothing to see that the orders he's been given are carried out, and carried out well. He doesn't give up easily, and he is considered to be a tenacious warrior by the troops who serve under him.
Combat Victory
As straight forward as you can get. Dix was bred to be a fighter, that's what he does and has done for years.
Combat Victory
As straight forward as you can get. Dix was bred to be a fighter, that's what he does and has done for years.
6ft tall
Scraggly grey hair and long beard
Brown eyes
Leathery light brown skin
Light blue circular tattoos along his arms