Grit |
1 |
Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook P:148 |
+1 Strain Threshold per rank. |
Physical Training |
2 |
Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook P:154 |
Add 🟦 per rank of Physical Training to all Athletics and Resilience checks. |
Clanker Killer |
3 |
Rise of the Separatists P:23 |
Before rolling a combat check targeting a droid, remove 🟦 up to ranks in CK from the pool, and add an equal number of (success or advantage) to the results. |
Deadly Accuracy |
1 |
Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook P:145 |
Each time the character gains a rank of Deadly Accuracy, he must choose one combat skill. The character may add his basic training ranks in that combat skill to any damage inflicted while using it. He may not choose the same combat skill twice. |
Armor Master |
1 |
Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook P:142 |
When wearing armor increase the total soak value by 1. |
Natural Trooper |
1 |
Rise of the Separatists P:23 |
Once per session, may reroll any one Gunnery or Ranged (Heavy) check. |
Dedication |
2 |
Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook P:145 |
Each rank permanently increases a single characteristic or the player's choice by one point. This cannot bring a characteristic above six. (Ag, Ag) |
Toughened |
6 |
Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook P:158 |
+2 Wound Threshold per rank. |
Brace |
3 |
Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook P:143 |
Preform the brace maneuver to remove ⬛ per rank of Brace for your next action. This may only reduce ⬛ for environmental conditions. |
Enduring |
1 |
Force and Destiny - Core Rulebook P:142 |
The character gains +1 soak value per rank of Enduring. |
Improved Armor Master |
1 |
Age of Rebelion - Core Rulebook P:143 |
When wearing armor with a soak value of two or higher. The character increases his defense by one. |
Barrage |
3 |
Heavy |
+1 damage per rank to a single hit made by Ranged Heavy or Gunnery checks at long or extreme range. |
Burly |
3 |
Heavy |
Reduce any wielded weapon's cumbersome quality and encumbrance rating by ranks in burly to a minimum of 1. |
Durable |
1 |
Age of Rebellion - Core Rulebook p:146 |
May reduce any critical injury suffered by 10 per rank of durable to a minimum of 1. |
Heroic Fortitude |
1 |
Heavy |
May spend 1 Destiny Point to ignore the effects of Critical Injuries on Brawn or Agility checks until the end of the encounter. |
Side Step |
3 |
Force and Destiny - Core Rulebook P:151 |
Once per round on the character’s turn, the character may perform a Side Step maneuver to try to avoid incoming ranged attacks. He then suffers a number of strain no greater than his ranks in Side Step. Until the start of the character’s next turn, upgrade the difficulty of all ranged combat checks targeting the character a number of times equal to the strain suffered by the character. |
Jump Up |
1 |
Death Watch Warrior |
Once per round, may stand from a seated or prone position as an incidental. |
Rain of Death |
1 |
Heavy |
Quick Draw |
1 |
Clone Veteran |
Lateral Thinking |
1 |
Clone Trooper |
May spend Destiny Point to have an enemy reroll an attack against them once per encounter. If Droids may do it without spending the Destiny Point. |
Jetpack Expertise |
1 |
May spend v to reduce SS for jetpack |
Hit and Run |
1 |
Conditioned |
1 |
To the Death |
1 |