DC-17 Hand Blaster: 2/3 HP 2 Enc
-Hair Trigger: 1HP Fully Modded
-Custom Grip: 1HP Fully Modded
Personal Gear
Clone Polarized Electrobinoculars
-Add 🟦 to sight based Perception checks and removes ⬛ from perception checks due to distance or low-light conditions. Mod: (+1 Perception).
Entrenching Tool: 1 Enc
Engineer's Hammer: 2 Enc
-Adds bb to any check made to build or demolish structures.
-May be used as a weapon.
"Breaker" Hydrospanner: 3 Enc
MK. III Modular Backpack (Fully Modded) + 8 Enc
Load Bearing Gear: +3 Enc
Utility Belt: +1 Enc
Weapon Maintenance Kit: 2 Enc
Verpine Headband: 1 Enc
Military Belt Pouches (x5) 1 Enc
-Stimpack (x2)
-Stimpack (x2)
-Stimpack (x2)
-Stimpack (x2)
-Stimpack (x2)
Assets & Resources
<Stowed Items>
Utility Arm: 2HP Armor Attachment
-Provides character with an additional mechanical arm that can function as one of the character's normal limbs.
1) Adds 🟦🟦 to Mechanics checks.
2) May spend 1 strain to gain an additional free maneuver per turn (still limited to two maneuvers per turn).
Mechanic's Utility Suit
M8 Combat Knife
3x EMP Grenades
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
Defensive Driving
+1 Defense in all zones of vehicle.
Quick Path to Power
+1 FR
Rapid Reaction
Starfighter Ace
The character may suffer a number of strain to add an equal number of s to any Vigilance or Cool check to determine Initiative order. The number may not exceed his ranks in Rapid Reaction.
Skilled Jockey
Starfighter Ace
Remove K per ranks in Skilled Jockey to all Piloting (Planetary) or Piloting (Space) checks the character makes.
Starfighter Ace
The character may decrease the difficulty of any Discipline check to avoid the effects of fear by one per rank of Confidence. If he decreases the difficulty to zero, he does not have to make a Discipline check.
Intuitive Evasion
Starfighter Ace
Force talent. When piloting a vehicle of silhouette 5 or smaller, the character may take the Intuitive Evasion maneuver, suffering 1 strain and committing a number of C no greater than his Force rating or his ranks of Intuitive Evasion. He then upgrades the difficulty of combat checks targeting his vehicle by an equal amount. The character suffers one strain at the beginning of each of his turns in which these dice remain committed.
Full Throttle
Starfighter Ace
The character may push a ship or vehicle past its limits of speed. He may perform the Full Throttle action, attempting a Hard (ddd) Piloting check. With success, the ship’s top speed increases by one for a number of rounds equal to Cunning. The ship still cannot perform actions or maneuvers it could not perform normally (e.g., actions that have a minimum speed requirement).
Clone Pilot
Each rank of Grit increases a character’s strain threshold by one.
High-G Training
Clone Pilot
When a ship or vehicle being piloted takes system strain, suffer strain up to ranks to reduce an equal amount
Barrel Roll
Clone Pilot
When piloting a vehicle sil 3 or less, when hit by an attack suffer 3 system strain to reduce damage by ranks in Piloting
Let's Ride
Improved Barrel Roll
Clone Pilot
When preforming the Barrel Roll incidental, reduce the damage of all hits by ranks in Piloting.
Force Powers
Force Rating
When making an Athletics check, the Force user may roll and Enhance power check as part of the pool. User may spend 🌓 to gain s or a (user's choice) on the check.
Control 3
May role Enhance power with Coordination, Piloting Planetary, Piloting Space.
Control (Commit)
May commit W to increase Agility.
Zagardo "Zag" Zignaught has always been a "flyboy" so to speak, going fast has been more of a way of life for him. When the war came to his homeworld, Zag knew what he had to do. Join the GAR and show these invaders they are messing with the wrong Dug. Using his enhanced abilities he gained late in life, Zag wishes to lead the defense of Malastare. By himself if these Clones can't keep up.
Expertise-The character wants to excel in his chosen work or area of expertise, and constantly practices to achieve perfection. (In this case, being the best pilot he can be.)
Duty 11:
Space Superiority- Only in space are battle truly won or lost, on land anyone with a rock and a can do attitude can fight. Space is the only area which controls everything.
Ambition- An ambitious character sets a lofty goal for
himself and then strives to accomplish it. The harder the
task, the more willing the character is to take it on, and
the greater the triumph when he finally succeeds.
Arrogance- Pride, among all emotions, is perhaps the
easiest to fall to a darker form. Arrogance mirrors pride,
but satisfaction in one’s accomplishments is replaced with
contempt for others’ failings. It is not enough to succeed;
the character also expects all others to fail.
1.2 meters tall, Leather Brown Skin, Yellow Eyes.
Other Notes
Dug Species 90xp
30 Intellect
30 Quick Path to Power
10 Piloting Space
20 Passed to Knight xp