The seedy Underbelly of Coruscant has bred some of the strangest, most vile creatures in the galaxy. Few would expect such a hive of scum to exist beneath the pristine edifices of the center of the universe; the beating heart of the republic... And yet, there it was, a disgusting affront to everything that the now-dead republic stood for. Althiya Dom was born to this place, raised and molded by it; she grew up listening to stories of the sky and what was beyond it, the stars and hundreds of little planets that were or could be...
But none of that was for her, no, she was little more than a slave to a crime lord whose obsession with control bordered on the insane. Among his peoples, he was the sole individual who could walk the streets armed with true weaponry; all others could carry only the paltry means of defense that they could fashion from bits and pieces of steal... His personal guard was armed with little more than outdated vibroblades and, even his most trusted lieutenants could only carry slugthrowers when confrontations with other gangs came about.
For the servile families-- What were essentially clans of slaves whose servitude broke through generational gaps--, they had only their hands and feet to defend themselves from muggers, petty thieves and other, more sinister attackers. To call these methods of defense 'martial arts' would be insulting to them. These were little more than defensive motions, instinctual and taught via repetition; their intent to react, defend but not permanently or grievously injure(for such a thing would be more harmful to the slave than whatever their attacker had planned for them).
However, occasionally, among the slaves one proved so skilled or so brazen that they caught the eye of their own crimelord; these were often pitted against slaves for entertainment... And should their talents prove impressive enough, they would be given a chance at winning their freedom, fighting their way through a roster of beasts, warriors and mercenaries, often even being pitted against other slaves in similar situations. All of this, of course, being recorded and projected throughout specific HoloNet channels.
History goes as history goes, Althiya Dom fought her way out of the slums and rose to prominence among the undercommunities of Coruscant, becoming first a champion for her lord; then his killer. She was ousted from her home and hunted by the very syndicate she sought to undo, by spilling that vile creature's blood, she had done more harm than good... But lucky for her, she had caught the eye of another; an agent of the rebel Alliance.
Though she did so with some degree of reluctance, she had become embroiled in the ongoing battle for freedom among the galaxy; the sky that she had never imagined she would see, would become her home.
Now, the aging Althiya has become a fullblown member of the Alliance and her purpose is found in rooting out spies, rooting out betrayers and liars... A job which, by all means, suits her just fine.
It was an Alliance agent that pulled Althiya from the depths of Coruscant and saved her from the ravenous, spice-addled hordes of her former master's henchmen... Though, unfortunately, she has no idea whether or not the same efforts were extended to her family; she owes a great debt to the Alliance and plans on repaying it through, ironically enough, unquestioning servitude.
Internal Security - 10
After being recruited by Alliance Intelligence, Althiya has become an internal security agent; her task to seek out any threads that could imply betrayal, moles or imperial spies among the Alliance. Any little suspicion, she intends to follow until it no longer exists.