Tusken Raider Seeker
Force and Destiny
Mandalorian Human Ace
Age of Rebellion
Human Jedi
Force and Destiny
Twi'lek Jedi
Force and Destiny
Human Guardian
Force and Destiny
Mandalorian Colonist
Edge of the Empire
Clone Technician
Age of Rebellion
Umbaran Consular
Force and Destiny
Umbaran Warrior
Force and Destiny
Togruta Hybrid Seeker | Warleader
Force and Destiny
Corellian Human Ace
Age of Rebellion
Twi'lek Warrior
Force and Destiny
Tognath Warrior
Force and Destiny
Melitto Guardian
Force and Destiny
Twi'lek Mystic
Force and Destiny
Human Soldier
Age of Rebellion
Corellian Human Ace
Edge of the Empire
Twi'lek Mystic
Force and Destiny
Bothan Soldier
Age of Rebellion
Mon Calamari Commander
Age of Rebellion
Nautolan Bounty Hunter
Edge of the Empire
Human(Coruscanti) Bounty Hunter
Age of Rebellion
New Jedi Order Ship (E7 E-Wing Multi-Role Starfighter)
New Republic Ship (Frigate/MC30c)
New Jedi Order Ship (Heavy Starfighter/Unique)
Independent Ship (Freighter/VCX-100)
New Jedi Order Ship (Transport/Sojourner)
33rd Combined Battlegroup Other (Heavy Assault Walker/AT-TE)
Independent Ship (Kihraxz Light Starfighter)
Rebel Alliance Ship (Dynamic Class/ Freighter)
Independent Ship (Starfighter/Heavy-95)