Gaffi Stick
Heavy Clothing
Utility Belt
1x Stimpack
Personal Gear
Assets & Resources
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
Bantha Riders
AoA; pg. 105
Add 1 automatic success result to Survival and Athletics checks to handle a Bantha.
Water Reclamators
AoA; pg. 105
Reduce difficulty of all Resilience and Survival checks related to enduring extreme heat or going without water once.
Quick Strike
FaD: SS; pg. 25
When performing a combat check during combat, the character adds Boost per rank of Quick Strike to combat checks against any target that has not yet acted in the encounter.
Hunter's Quarry
FaD: SS; Pg. 25
The character may take the Hunter's Quarry action against an opponent within long range, making a Hard Survival check. If the check succeeds, upgrade the ability of all attacks made against the target by one until the end of the character's next turn.
Improved Hunter's Quarry
FaD: SS; Pg. 25
This character can choose to suffer 2 strain to perform the Hunter's Quarry action as a maneuver instead.
Precise Aim
FaD:SS; Pg. 25
Once per round on the character's turn, the character may perform a Precise Aim maneuver before attempting a combat check and suffer a number of strain. The number of strain cannot exceed his ranks in PRecise Aim. He then decreases the target's defense (ranged and melee) by one per strain suffered for that combat check.
Marked for Death
FaD:SS; Pg. 25
Force Talent. The character may take the Marked for Death maneuver, selecting one target and committing a Force Die. The character adds 2 automatic advantage to combat checks against the target while the Forcie Die remains committed, but cannot use the Marked for Death talent again until the character uncommits the Force Die, the original target is incapacitated or the session ends. Advantage gained this way cannot be used to recover strain.