Like many of his peers, Girad was born in slavery to the Hutts. He and his parents were quickly integrated into Karooba the Hutt's operation in the Red Light sector on Nar Shaddaa.
His strength recognised, he was quickly put to work as one of the gangster's thugs. He became so adept at collecting protection money and breaking kneecaps that he was soon recruited into Karooba's elite cadre of enforcers.
Things were looking up, but that wouldn't last. Girad's father had been regularly siphoning small amounts of credits out of the Hutt's account. Truly trivial amounts to the Hutt, but the treachery couldn't go unpunished. Deciding to make an example, Karooba had Girad's parents sold to the Empire as spice mining slaves.
Enraged, Girad stole the prized weapon of Karooba's chief bodyguard, the force pike of a legendary Jedi hunter of ages past, and escaped from Nar Shaddaa, leaving many of his former colleagues lifeless.
Wanted and on the run, he eventually came to Fownto and became close to Maxir Tanau, whom he decided to help.
Girad seeks to strike back at Karooba who took his parents from him.
Girad is never one to back away from danger, yet he struggles with his short temper and lack of tolerance for disrespect.
Bounty Obligation : 10.
Girad is wanted by Karooba for being a runaway slave and having killed many of his thugs.
He is of average height but very broad and powerfully built for his species. He has common features, all that stands out being his scarred visage.