Weequay Jedi
Force and Destiny
Mirialan Hired Gun
Force and Destiny
Gigoran Hired Gun
Age of Rebellion
Trandoshan Warrior
Force and Destiny
Rodian Soldier
Age of Rebellion
Human Hired Gun
Edge of the Empire
Kel Dor Consular
Force and Destiny
Arkanian Mystic
Force and Destiny
Zabrak Hired Gun
Edge of the Empire
Nautolan Colonist
Edge of the Empire
Pantoran Consular
Force and Destiny
Rodian Bounty Hunter
Edge of the Empire
Wookiee Soldier
Age of Rebellion
Dug Ace
Age of Rebellion
Devaronian Diplomat
Age of Rebellion
Rodian Soldier
Age of Rebellion
Nikto Consular
Force and Destiny
Shistavanen Soldier
Age of Rebellion
Human Ace
Age of Rebellion
Nikto Guardian
Force and Destiny
Human Mystic
Force and Destiny
Rodian Soldier
Age of Rebellion
Nikto Guardian
Force and Destiny