Couple of years in Mid Rim terrorist militia. Food was pretty good. Thrown out : too crazy.
Seven months as baker. Lost eye. Charged with arson.
One year as space port traffic controller. Got married.
Twelve days as tour guide on Nar Shaddaa. Sold wife.
Licensed independent bounty hunter. Specialty : old people.
One semester as Basic Second Language teacher. Fired for running gambling ring out of class room.
Three years as pet groomer. 96% aggregate customer review.
Quarry foreman. Fifteen counts of species rights abuse. Severance package : very generous.
Primary school teacher. Class : Seizing the means of production.
Imperial TIE pilot cadet. Human rubber mask did not conceal snout.
Pod race announcer. Lost job to Framboise and Chablis.
Interstellar cargo hauler. Stole freighter and shipment of booze, went on holiday instead.
One term as Imperial Senator. 527 law proposals. 3% attendance.
Uber driver. 4.6 stars.
Started for-profit charity. Became billionaire.
Invested everything into perishables. They perished.
Started working with Sa'lor Mun the Hutt out of his ship.
Ambition - Greed.
He used to be a billionaire. He was even on the front cover of Space Time Magazine twice ! But now he's destitute, with only a tiny company and a freighter to his name and he longs to be rich again.
Favor : 13.
Following Tavoli's catastrophic financial failure and fall from grace, his ship the "Order 69" party boat was the only possession he got to keep thanks to the timely intervention of Sa'lor Mun, an influential Hutt he had dealt with in the past. This favor has yet to be repaid...
Green skinned Rodian of average height and build. One blind eye, the other has a feral look to it.