Before the Empire came to power, Kolar was a farmer on Iridonia, and a devout follower of a particular ancestor cult on the planet.
Unfortunately, once the Clone Wars had ended, the newly birthed Empire decreed this cult to be Jedi heresy, and all its practitioners dangerous dissidents.
In order to avoid capture and even execution, Kolar fled the homeworld. He wandered for a time until he fell in with Raelis' Marauders, a paramilitary group. Though ostensibly rebels, they were shunned by the larger Rebel Alliance as extremists that engaged in frequent acts of terrorism.
Although they did good work in fighting the Empire, Kolar could feel the judging stare of his ancestors bearing down upon him, and couldn't abide these methods anymore. He bid them farewell and struck out on his own. Richer for the experience, the scared farmer on the run had turned into a seasoned warrior, ready to continue the fight on his own terms.
Kolar is a member of an obscure religious sect on Iridonia who believe in the presence of the spirits of their ancestors which guide and judge their every action. Jedi scholars have theorised that it is in fact a form of belief in the Living Force. This belief is the main driving force in his life.
Heist initial setup obligation : 5.
Tan skin, brown eyes, large mane of hair. Wiry, thin build. Middle-aged.