1) Without a specific term to put to it, Ak-Khag has long known that he stands above his peers, what with the uncanny ability he possesses to get others to do or think what he wishes them to. Weak minds abound, and this power is an incredible passkey.
2) Once he came across a family of runaway slaves, desperate for shelter and respite. While he initially granted it to them, they proved to be too large a drain on his meager resources at the time, and surrendered them to their masters when they refused to leave. He understood their plight, but they had been unreasonable to remain with such obstinacy.
3) Traveling to Coruscant, Ak-khag was held up at customs. Perhaps because he was bringing armor and weapons on a leisure trip, probably because of his being a Weequay. Faced with a barrage of inane questions from a simpering bureaucrat that was evidently far beneath him, he used the Force to expedite the process. Unbeknownst to him, a third party, affiliate to the Praxeum was privy to this exchange. Recognising an obvious mind trick, they put him in contact with the Academy.
4) He is fast friends with Traboli, a Rodian con artist and general sleaze. They grew up together and used to run all manners of schemes. Their fondest memory is of the time they dressed as technicians and made their way to a restaurant's storage under the guise of routine maintenance, making off with a freezer full of tasty delicacies and stiff drinks.
5) Ak-khag found himself on stopover in a rural community on a backwater world. He braved the perils of the forest and its hostile fauna to rescue a child that had gotten lost. The remainder of his stay proved much more pleasant as he was thereafter treated like royalty.
By virtue of his birth, Ak-khag was always destined to be a second rate citizen, the higher spheres of power and influence necessarily closed off to him, mundane inconveniences more frequent. His powers and newfound status as a Jedi however, enable him to reach much greater heights than he ever could have hoped for.
Morality - Courage / Callousness : 41
Ak-khag has little issue braving danger, his adolescence having been spent running a number of scams and other tricks to get ahead with his dear friend Traboli. A number of them turned out to be risky, but this never scared the two scamps.
He however does show occasional lack of empathy. Underclass trickery is a zero-sum game : moving up means bringing someone else down.
A tall Weequay of athletic build, Ak-khag would easily be mistaken for a Hutt gangster. His amber gaze pierces out from the dark recesses of his brow.