Talia Daraay by stewartturkeylink

Steel Hand Adapt, Padawan
Force and Destiny

Threshold 23
Current 0
Threshold 12
Current 0
Ranged 3
Melee 3

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 2
Charm (Pr) X 1
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) X 2 -2SB
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 4
Leadership (Pr) X 1
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 1
Resilience (Br) 0 -2SB
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 1
Vigilance (Will) X 0
Brawl (Br) X 3
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Disorient 1, Pierce 1, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Cumbersome 3, Linked 1, Stun Setting, Unwieldy 3
Stun Bracers
Disorient 3, Stun 2, Deflective 2, Defensive 2
Talia's walking stick
Disorient 2, Defensive 1, Deflection 1
Fists of Nacre
Stun Damage, Deflective 2, Defensive 2, Disorient 2, Knockdown, Linked


Weapons & Armor

Fists of Nacre
Damage +3
Crit 4
Stun Damage, Deflective 2, Defensive 2, Disorient 2, Knockdown, Linked

Iridescence: These gauntlets count as a Lightsaber weapon for the purposes of the Reflect talent.

Ride The Wave: The pearls that make up these gauntlets are sensitive to Force energies. If dark pip(s) are used on a combat check while wearing the Fists, treat them as having a rank of Vicious per dark pip used until the user’s next turn. For every two light pips used on a combat check while wearing the Fists, the user may regain two strain.

Unrelenting Ocean: If the wielder is below 30 morality, the pearls turn dark and develop a blue-black iridescence; the gauntlets lose their Stun Damage quality and become lethal, and gain the Concussive 2 quality.

Eye of the Storm: If the wielder is above 70 morality, the pearls turn pink and develop flame structures (kinda like opalescence); the gauntlets gain the Superior quality, and when used to Parry or Reflect, user suffers 1 additional strain, but counts Parry and Reflect ranks as 1 higher.

Armored Clothing
Survival Knife
Weighted Head
+1 Damage
Additional Mods
+1 Damage
Concussive 1

Personal Gear

`Survival Knife

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Grit 3 +1 Strain Threshold per rank
Toughended 3 +2 Wound treshold per rank
Iron Body 1 Remove ■ per rank of Iron Body from Coordination and Resilience checks. Reduce the critical rating of unarmed attacks by 1 per rank of Iron Body (to a minimum of 1).
Martial Grace 1 Once per round, suffers 2 strain to add damage equal to ranks in Coordination to next Brawl check made this turn.
Precision Strike 1 When this character inflicts a Critical Injury with a Brawl, Melee, or Lightsaber weapon, may suffer 1 strain to change the result to any Easy (◆) Critical Injury result.
Dodge 1 When targeted by combat check, may perform a Dodge incidental to suffer a number of strain no greater than ranks of Dodge, then upgrade the difficulty of the check by that number.
Swift 1 Do not suffer usual penalties for moving through difficult terrain.
Dragoncat's Scything Strike 1 Brawl attacks gain Pierce equal to Force rating.
Far Strike 1 As an action, make a Brawl check as a ranged attack, adding F up to Force rating, increase the range of the attack by one band for each φ spent, to a maximum of long.
Force Rating 2 Increase FR by 1
Parry 3 When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry.
Reflect 1 When hit by a ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect.
Well Rounded 1 Leadership & Charm become career skills
Sense Danger 1 Once per session remove 2x Setback from any skill check

Force Powers

Force Rating
Enhance [Mentor Bibi]
Add FR to Athletics checks
Upgrade Effect
Control: Resilence Enhance can be used with the Resilience skill.
Control: Brawl Enhance can be used with the Brawl skill.
Control: Coordination Enhance can be used with the Coordination skill.
Control: Force Leap (Vertical) Take a Force Leap action: Make an Enhanced power check. The user may spend φ to jump vertically to any location in short range.
Control: Force Leap (Maneuver) The user can perform Force Leap as a maneuver instead of an action.
Control: Force Leap (Horizontal) Take a Force Leap action: Make an Enhanced power check. The user may spend φ to jump horizontally to any location in short range.
Range Spend φ to increase power's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased.
Ebb/Flow [Mentor: Bibi]
The Force user's action empower himself or sap strength from his foes.

Ebb: When the Force user makes a skill check, he may roll an Ebb power check as part of the roll. The user may spend φ to suffer 1 strain, then inflict 1 strain on all other engaged characters. The Force user may not activate this multiple times.

Flow: When the Force user makes a skill check, he may roll an Flow power check as part of the roll. The user may spend φ to heal 1 strain, then inflict 1 strain on all other engaged characters. The Force user may not activate this multiple times.
Upgrade Effect
Forsee [Mentor: Nas]
The Force user can feel the Force flowing around everything, seeing what is and what will be.

The user may spend φ to gain vague hints of events to come, up to a day into his own, personal future.
Upgrade Effect
Sense [Mentor: Nas]
The Force user can sense the Force interacting with the world around him.

The user may spend φ to sense all living things within short range (including sentient and non-sentient beings).

The user may spend φ to sense the current emotional state of one living target with whom he is engaged.
Upgrade Effect
Farsight [Mentor: Shakka]
Upgrade Effect
Though blind, Talia can use her connection to the Force to function as if sighted. She does not need to spend force pips to activate this power. If she is deprived of her ability to hear, she loses this talent. Her ability becomes like true sight when she is at Bayshore and the cursed atol on Zion.
Upgrade Effect
Influnce [Mentor: Usuph]
The character may attempt to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of other.

Special Rule (○/● use): When guiding and shaping thoughts, only φ generated from ● may be used to generate negative emotions such as rage, fear, and hatred. Only φ generated from○ may be used to generate positive emotions such as peace, tranquility, and friendliness. Other emotions such as confusion can be created from φ generated from either ○ or ●.

The character may spend φ to stress the mind of one living target he is engaged with, inflicting 1 strain.
Upgrade Effect


1) How did you discover your force sensitivity?

Growing up on Zion, I was always that best at any sport I tried. Gravball, football, stickball and my one true love surfing. Not only was I good, but I loved doing them. The rush I felt running and jumping just made me feel more in tune with things. It wasn't until I went to learn for Bibi M'lay to learn how to be one with the waves that I learned I was one with so much more.

2) Describe a moment where you fell prey to your moral weakness or experienced a tragedy/horror that still haunts you.

So there was this big surfing computation on Zion. I headed out to Kingston beach the day before. You know to like feel it out and stuff. I caught some HUGE waves. Really shredded it up. I was really vibing the place so I headed down to this shack just off the beach. You know get some brew and some grub. This offworlder. A guy who works for Zemo. This real nasty customer who is big into the dirt, ya dig? He's sitting their chillin like a villain in the corner. This other dude rushes in. Ask if it's too late to place a bet. Shady points at the clock. So the dude places his bet. And who does the place his bet on? Well yours turley. I know right?! Random dude comes into a bar and places a bet on me. Right after I was surfing the competition beach. Wild. Had to be a sign form the universe. So shady stands up and announces “Final bets” Well I walk on over and place a big bet. A REALLY big bet. A more than I could ever possibly afford loading cargo and doing odd jobs bet. A more than I could ever afford in my lifetime bet. But I had this in the bag. I was going with the flow. Except well I didn’t. I wiped out and came in last place. Now I owe a ton of credits to one savage dude. Real bummer that one.

3) How did you come to join the NJO?

Master Jex, knowing that I was in over my head with some nasty people (and grateful for the assist) offered to let me hitch a ride to a place to hide. Turned out to be a school or something for Jedi. The flow of the universe has brought me here for a reason, so I'm going to make the best of it.

4) Name one NPC your character has a strong connection with. This could be a family member, a friend, a work contact, or a bitter rival.

Bibi M'lay. My mentor. A musician, martial artist, master surfer and a natural born mystic. He taught me about the Force and how to move with the flow of the universe. Also he let me play in the band. I'm not very good but I like jamming with them.

5) Describe a moment in your life where you demonstrated your moral strength despite adversity.

When I was trying to get off Zion and away from Zemo's thugs, I came across a large group of them harassing a Lannik. There were a lot of them and they already had it out for me. Plus I had a ride off planet to catch. I didn't really have the time to spare, but I couldn't leave the little dude to himself. Besides, when the universe puts an obstacle in your path it's for a reason. You have to deal with it. That's how I met Master Jex. Turns out he didn't need me after all. But hey at least he gave me a ride off planet. To a school for Jedi. Kinda neat. Maybe this is where the universe wanted me to be.



Morality 51
Idealism (Strength)

Talia knows that the universe has the way. If you go with the flow of the universe every little thing will be alright. And if it looks like the tide is never gonna change well smile and the universe smiles with you. If it isn't smiling now it will soon enough.

Naivety (Weakness)

Talia's belief that everything will work out in the end makes her prone to leaping before she looks. When you think everything is gonna be alright there's not point in considering the consequences before you act. Not to mention she isn't exactly an expert of in reading the will of the universe.


Debt (15)

10 - Owes a very large gambling debt to Zemo. A major crime lord in their home sector.

5 - Owes the great and powerful Dragoncat a Force artifact.


"Fly like a rooster through a window."
"Sometimes strings snap."
"Wake up early to prepare for the roosters of the day."
"Raise your head up and point your speeder in the right direction." - Na'Tina
"Silence the part of your brain that makes all that noise" - Joe
"Sometimes you have to take your armor off"


Very tall. Athletically built. Red. Constantly smiling. Relaxed body posture. Wears a one shouldered tunic toga thingy made from homespun grey cloth, cinched with a seafoam green belt with a synthweave sports bar on underneath. Always barefoot.

Undercover outfit

Other Notes

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