Nautolan Warrior
Force and Destiny
Zabrak Bountry Hunter
Edge of the Empire
Mirialan Bounty Hunter
Edge of the Empire
Twi'lek Hired Gun
Edge of the Empire
Mikkian Mystic
Force and Destiny
Pantoran Sentinel
Force and Destiny
Pantorian Colonist
Force and Destiny
Twi'lek Consular
Force and Destiny
Jubba Bird Friend
Force and Destiny
Reek Friend
Force and Destiny
Dathomirian Mystic
Force and Destiny
Bothan Sentinel
Force and Destiny
Mirialan Warrior
Force and Destiny
Human Smuggler
Age of Rebellion
Togruta Seeker
Force and Destiny
Mando Human Solider
Age of Rebellion
Zebrak Diplomat
Age of Rebellion
Human Diplomat
Age of Rebellion
Duros Commander
Age of Rebellion
None Landspeeder (Old crap)
Ship (PB-950)
Swoop (SB-65 StarBike)
New Jedi Order Ship (CEC HWK-1000)
New Jedi Order Ship ( Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/IN Interceptor)
New Jedi Order Ship (CEC YT-1300 light freighter)
Alliance to Restore the Republic Ship (YT-2400 class light freighter)
Alliance to Restore the Republic Airspeeder (G35 Airspeeder)