1 Add 1 ω to Combat Check Mod, Attachments: Ilum Crystal (Changes Base Damage to 6 Mod, Changes Base Critical Rating to 2 Mod, 1 Grant Quality (Breach 1) Mod, Quality (Sunder) Mod, 1 Quality (Vicious 1) Mod, 1 Damage +3 Mod), Custom Grip (1 Remove 1 ■ from all attack checks when using this weapon Mod, Anyone other than owner adds ■■ to combat checks using this weapon.)
Battled scared armored robes
Encumbrance: 5
Hard Points: 2
Soak: 2
Personal Gear
Comlink (handheld)
Jedi Utility Belt
Military Belt Pouch
4x Stimpacks
Recon Remote
Microdroid Listener
For mission
Survival Kit
Electro Banos
Thermal Cloak
May upgrade difficulty of incoming Charm, Coercion, or Deception checks once per rank of Nobody's Fool.
Niman Technique
When making a Lightsaber skill check, the character may use Willpower instead of Brawn.
Sense Emotions
Add □ to all Charm, Coercion, and Deception checks unless the target is immune to Force powers.
Reflect 2
When hit by a ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect.
Draw Closer
Perform Draw Closer action; make a Lightsaber (Willpower) combat check against one silhouette 1 target within medium range, adding F no greater than Force rating to check. Spend φ to move target one range band closer or to add ☼ to check.
Center of Begin
Take a Center of Being maneuver. Until the beginning of next turn, attacks against the character increase their critical rating by 1 per rank of Center of Being.
Center of Begin (Improved)
Suffer 1 strain to perform Center of Being maneuver as an incidental.
Force Rating
Gain +1 Force Rating.
Parry 2
When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect.
+2 WT per rank
+1 ST per rank
Defensive Training 2
When wielding a Lightsaber, Melee, or Brawl weapon, the weapon gains the Defensive quality with a rating equal to ranks in Defensive Training.
Force Powers
Force Rating
Battle Meditation
The Force user directs allies in battle, making them more effective as a coordinated unit.
The use may spend φ to add one automatic ☼ to all checks made by a number of engaged friendly targets to up his Presence before the end of his next turn. If the user used any ● to generate φ, reduce each target's Willpower by 1 (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the encounter.
Range 1
Spend φ to increase power's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased.
Influence [Mentor Selene]
The character may attempt to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of other.
Special Rule (○/● use): When guiding and shaping thoughts, only φ generated from ● may be used to generate negative emotions such as rage, fear, and hatred. Only φ generated from○ may be used to generate positive emotions such as peace, tranquility, and friendliness. Other emotions such as confusion can be created from φ generated from either ○ or ●.
The character may spend φ to stress the mind of one living target he is engaged with, inflicting 1 strain.
Magnitude 1
Spend φ to increase targets affected equal to Magnitude upgrades purchased.
Control: Emotion/Belief
The Force user may make an opposed Discipline vs. Discipline check combined with an Influence power check. If the user spends φ and succeeds on the check, he can force the target to adopt an emotional state or believe something untrue, lasting for 1 round or 5 minutes.
Control: Skills
When making a Coercion, Charm, Deception, Leadership, or Negotiation check, the Force user may roll an Influence power check as part of his dice pool. He may spend φ to gain ☼ or ω (user's choice) on the check.
Enhance [Mentor Jex]
When making an Athletics check, the Force user may roll an Enhance power check as part of the pool.
The user may spend φ to gain ☼ or ω (user's choice) on the check.
Move [Mentor Jex]
The Force user can move small objects via the power of the Force.
The user may spend φ to move one object of silhouette 0 that is within short range up to his maximum range. The default maximum range is short range.
Before the droids I was a student Lianna University. During their occupation I lead a city wide movement to hamper them at every turn. Of course I was able to lead a resistance with no training. My great-great grandfather was Cham Syndulla of the Free Ryloth movement and my great-aunt is General Hera Syndulla. Resistance is in the Syndulla clan blood, we never settle for status quo.
What? No. I've never met her.
-How did you discover your force sensitivity?
Knight Zedo told me a few days after she picked up our distress signal and came to investigate. She told me I was the best hope these survivors had. I already knew that.
-Describe a moment where you fell prey to your moral weakness or experienced a tragedy/horror that still haunts you.
After the droid attack devastated my planet I attempt to organize my fellow students to raid a nearby communications facility. It was heavily guarded and we needed a distraction to get in. I wanted to help with the distraction, but I was needed in the facility. Most of that team didn’t make it home and those that did well... we had to act quick and no one had any better ideas so I made a call.
-How did you come to join the NJO?
It’s the New Jedi Order and I’m a new Jedi. Duh.
-Name one NPC your character has a strong connection with. This could be a family member, a friend, a work contact, or a bitter rival.
Knight Zedo. She found our resistance after we sent a distress signal out. She stayed with us and joined in our fight. I picked up a few tricks from her. Then one day she told me she was needed somewhere else. She gave me one of her lightsabers and said “Tali. You’re a Jedi now. Lead them.”
And I did.
-Describe a pivotal moment in your life where you demonstrated your moral strength despite adversity?
Before or after I lead a city wide resistance movement against an occupying army of droids with zero training?
Morality 45
Strength: Enthusiasm
The character is always ready to try something new, and he approaches all of his tasks, even mundane ones, with excitement. He's not one to overthink a situation, lest he miss a great new opportunity.
Weakness: Recklessness
Of course, a little thought can go a long way towards saving someone from a major mistake, which this character may find out to his sorrow on more than one occasion. Reckless behavior can leave him in dangerous situations or at the mercy of more calculating individuals.