9500 Credits Starting.
-10 Duty - 2500 credits
12000 credits - 10000 (Brain Implant) - 1800 (Cascader) - 100 (Dress uniform) - 100 (Symbol of Command) = 0 Credits
90 XP (Pres to 4, Int to 3)
+150 XP
Starting Commodore (1 rank in Cool, Leadership, Knowledge Warfare, Astrogation, Vigilance, Computers)
Bought Republic Navy Officer (20 XP)
Command RNO - 5 XP
Commanding Presence RNO- 10 XP
Steely Nerves RNO - 15 XP
On my Order RNO - 20 XP
Increasing Leadership to Rank 3 - 25 XP
Grit RNO - 5 XP
Command C - 5 XP
Commanding Presence C - 10 XP
Command C - 15 XP
Rapid Reaction C - 5 XP
Astrogation up to rank 2 - 10 XP
Grit C - 10 XP
Rapid Reaction C - 15 XP
Knowlege Outer rim rank 1 - 5 XP
Discipline rank to 1 - 5 XP
Operation Sudden Starships: 20 XP, 15 Duty, 1000, 24 hours