Kaminoan Scientist
Edge of the Empire
Clone Dark trooper
Edge of the Empire
Skakoan Scientist
Edge of the Empire
Gank Hired Gun
Edge of the Empire
Droid Assassin/Bodyguard
Edge of the Empire
Gank Hired Gun / Soldier
Edge of the Empire
Falleen Soldier
Age of Rebellion
Falleen Bounty hunter
Edge of the Empire
Dowutin Guns for Hire
Edge of the Empire
Zabrak Bounty hunter
Edge of the Empire
Ship (Eta-class supply barge (Retrofit medical))
Imperial Ship (Raider Class Corvette)
imperial Ship (Skywatcher-class vessel)
Criminal Ship (Aggressor Assault Fighter)
Criminal Ship (M22-T Krayt gunship)
Black Sun Ship (AEG-77 vigo)
Old Republic Ship
Ship (Kuat Drive Yard)