Human Soldier
Edge of the Empire
Droid Soldier
Edge of the Empire
Bothan Smuggler
Edge of the Empire
Droid Diplomat
Edge of the Empire
Miriaians Smuggler
Edge of the Empire
Chiss Counselor
Edge of the Empire
Wookie Hired Gun
Edge of the Empire
Human Defiler
Edge of the Empire
Human Inquisitor
Edge of the Empire
Human Mystic
Edge of the Empire
Sluissi Technician
Edge of the Empire
Droid Bounty Hunter
Edge of the Empire
Droid Engineer
Edge of the Empire
Corellian Spy
Edge of the Empire
Zaberak Bounty Hunter
Edge of the Empire
Daveronian Hired Gun
Edge of the Empire
Independant Ship (YT-1000)
Rebel Alliance Ship (Custom Space Station)
Rebel Alliance Ship (YT-1000)
Ship (ZH-25 Questor)
Zapaul Quartet Ship (Custom)
Rebel Alliance Ship (MandelMotors Fang Starfighter)
Zapaul Quartet Ship (Interceptor IV Frigate)
Ship (Aggressor Assault Fighter)
Ship (Interceptor IV Frigate)
Zapaul Quartet Ship (HH-87 Starhopper Starfighter)
Zapaul Quartet Ship (CEC HWK-1000)
Zapaul Quartet Ship (HWK-290)
Zapaul Quartet Ship (Gozanti-Class Light Cruser)
Zapaul Quartet Ship (Gozanti-Class Armed Transport)