
Member since 2019-09-13

37 Creations

Recent Characters

the Apprentice

Umbaran (Dathomiran Mother) Mystic

Force and Destiny


Human (Clone) Clone Commando

Edge of the Empire


Human (Clone) Clone Soldier

Edge of the Empire

Cole Rennek (TK-1842) (Cole Vhetin)

Human (Corellia) Former Imperial Scout

Edge of the Empire

Ais'er Rooke

Dathomirian Human nightsister

Force and Destiny

Dex (Na Het translator)

Droid Translator

Edge of the Empire

Na Het

Jawa Tech

Edge of the Empire

Dr. Avi Novik

Pantoran Colonialist

Edge of the Empire


Droid NPC

Edge of the Empire


Human Mandalorian tbd

Force and Destiny


Droid Jack of Trades

Edge of the Empire


Human Nemesis

Edge of the Empire

Jorin Cass WIP (prime canon)

Mirialin Sentinel

Force and Destiny

RO-0K (Rook)

Droid Smuggler

Edge of the Empire

Rav Oaka (WIP)

Clawdite SPY

Edge of the Empire

Jorin Cass

Mirialan Jedi (Sentinel)

Force and Destiny

RC-7746 "Tapper"

Human Clone Clone Trooper

Edge of the Empire

VT-1 (Rival Class) (WIP)

Droid (Vutyc Tomad 1) Specialist Droid

Age of Rebellion

VT-0/1 (Minion Class) (WIP)

Droid VT-0 (Vutyc Tomad) Monotask Droid

Age of Rebellion

Tam Marev

Zabrack Engineer

Age of Rebellion

Kebiin Marev

Twi'lek Engineer

Age of Rebellion

nightsister wip

Dathomirian Mystic

Force and Destiny

Captain CC-7765 "Cabur" WIP

Human Kaminoan Clone Trooper

Age of Rebellion

Celeste (?) (wip)

Pantoran Colonist

Edge of the Empire

Cade Marev

Human Mandalorian Hired Gun

Edge of the Empire

Kara Val

Human Mandalorian Bounty Hunter

Edge of the Empire


Human Stormtrooper

Edge of the Empire

Vanya Urai

Dathormirian Sentinel

Force and Destiny